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Discover how metal seals work and their application areas

Metal sealing ring collection

As a key sealing component, metal sealing rings play an important role in various industrial and engineering applications. This article will explore how metal seals work and their wide range of applications to help readers better understand the core of this technology.

How metal seals work

Metal sealing ring is an annular sealing device made of metal material. Its working principle is based on the plasticity and elasticity of its material. When the metal sealing ring is installed on the sealing contact surface, under the action of external pressure, the metal sealing ring will deform itself to fill any tiny gaps, thereby achieving the purpose of sealing. This adaptability enables the metal sealing ring to adapt to pressure and temperature changes under various working conditions and maintain good sealing performance.

Application fields of metal sealing rings

Aerospace field: In the fields of aerospace engines, spacecraft and missiles, metal sealing rings are widely used to seal key components to ensure the reliability and safety of the system under extreme conditions.

Automobile manufacturing industry: In automobile engines, transmission systems and braking systems, metal sealing rings play an important sealing role, ensuring the normal operation of various liquids and gases within the system.

Petrochemical industry: In the process of oil and natural gas extraction, transportation and processing, metal sealing rings are widely used in the sealing of pipeline connections, valves, pumps and other equipment to prevent leakage and pollution.

Nuclear energy field: In nuclear reactors and nuclear facilities, metal sealing rings perform key sealing tasks to ensure the safe operation of nuclear materials and prevent the leakage of radioactive materials.

Industrial equipment and machinery: In various industrial equipment and machinery, such as pressure vessels, pumps, valves, etc., metal sealing rings are widely used to seal key components to ensure the normal operation and safety of the equipment.


Metal sealing rings play an irreplaceable role in various industrial and engineering fields due to their excellent sealing performance, reliability and durability. By in-depth understanding of the working principle and application fields of metal sealing rings, we can better understand its importance in modern engineering and provide reference and guidance for selecting appropriate sealing solutions.

If you are looking for an efficient sealing technology, metal seals are certainly an option worth considering that will provide reliable sealing performance and long-lasting service for your application.

[DLSEALS kindly Reminder] Sealing issues? Turn to DLSEALS! As a sealing component manufacturer, we specialize in customizing sealing components, providing a full range of services from design, research and development, production, testing, and more. If you have more information you'd like to know, feel free to contact us directly. DLSEALS's product experts are dedicated to serving you!