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Seal Failure Analysis: Understand and Prevent Common Problems with Metal Seals

metal sealing ring

As an important sealing element, metal sealing rings play a key role in the industrial and mechanical fields. However, seal failure can lead to equipment downtime, production delays and even safety hazards. This article will introduce common problems of metal sealing rings and their failure analysis to help you better prevent and solve these problems.

Common problems and failure analysis of sealing rings

Leak issues:

Possible reasons: sealing ring damage, wear, improper installation, material aging, etc.

Solution: Check whether the sealing ring is installed correctly, replace the damaged sealing ring, perform regular maintenance and inspection of the sealing ring.

Material aging:

Possible reasons: long-term use, high temperature, high pressure, chemical corrosion, etc.

Solution: Regularly replace sealing rings, use corrosion-resistant and high-temperature-resistant sealing rings, and strengthen lubrication and maintenance.

Seal wear:

Possible reasons: friction, vibration, poor workmanship, etc.

Solution: Improve lubrication conditions, reduce friction, optimize equipment installation and adjustment, and choose more wear-resistant materials.

Dimensional deformation:

Possible reasons: high temperature, high pressure, pressure changes, etc.

Solution: Choose sealing rings of appropriate materials and sizes, improve processes, and reduce temperature and pressure shocks.

Improper installation:

Possible reasons: incorrect installation, failure to use appropriate tools, etc.

Solution: Train operators, strictly follow installation procedures, and use correct tools and techniques.

How to prevent seal failure

Regular inspection and maintenance: Establish a regular inspection and maintenance system to detect and solve potential problems in a timely manner.

Use high-quality materials: Choose high-quality sealing ring materials that are corrosion-resistant, wear-resistant, and high-temperature resistant.

Proper design and installation: Optimize equipment design, rationally arrange sealing rings, and ensure correct installation and adjustment.

Strengthen lubrication and protection: improve lubrication conditions, reduce friction, and reduce seal ring wear.

in conclusion

Seal failure can lead to serious production issues and safety hazards, so it’s critical to understand and prevent common problems early. Through regular inspection and maintenance, the selection of high-quality materials, reasonable design and installation, and enhanced lubrication and protection, common problems with metal sealing rings can be effectively prevented and solved to ensure the stable operation of equipment and systems. Sealing ring failure analysis is an important link in ensuring production safety and equipment reliability. Enterprises should pay attention to it and manage it effectively.

[DLSEALS kindly Reminder] Sealing issues? Turn to DLSEALS! As a sealing component manufacturer, we specialize in customizing sealing components, providing a full range of services from design, research and development, production, testing, and more. If you have more information you'd like to know, feel free to contact us directly. DLSEALS's product experts are dedicated to serving you!