

Vacuum welding bellows

Image Vacuum welding bellows
Materials(Support customization): 321 stainless steel,316L stainless steel,304 stainless steel,310S stainless steel,
Cross Section Diameter* Wall Thickness: See Selection.


Metal welded bellows mechanical seal (hereinafter referred to as bellows seal) is a branch of mechanical seal.

Its appearance is several decades later than the push-type spring mechanical seal (hereinafter referred to as the spring seal). The auxiliary sealing ring of the spring seal under high temperature is mostly made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). The maximum operating temperature is around 200°C, which cannot meet the requirements of high-temperature pump sealing. Although flexible graphite is resistant to high temperatures, it has low strength, is easily damaged, and cannot be adapted to The working condition of spring seal and moving ring seal ring sliding along the axial direction. The bellows seal changes the sliding structure of the auxiliary sealing ring to a static sealing structure, which not only eliminates a dynamic sealing point, but also eliminates the hysteresis effect caused by the movable ring auxiliary sealing ring. The bellows has better followability.

Metal welded bellows mechanical seals are widely used in high-temperature water conditions, high-temperature heavy oil conditions, and low-temperature liquefied gas conditions.

Vacuum welding bellows
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      <p>Metal welded bellows mechanical seal (hereinafter referred to as bellows seal) is a branch of mechanical seal.</p>\r\n
      <p>Its appearance is several decades later than the push-type spring mechanical seal (hereinafter referred to as the spring seal). The auxiliary sealing ring of the spring seal under high temperature is mostly made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). The maximum operating temperature is around 200°C, which cannot meet the requirements of high-temperature pump sealing. Although flexible graphite is resistant to high temperatures, it has low strength, is easily damaged, and cannot be adapted to The working condition of spring seal and moving ring seal ring sliding along the axial direction. The bellows seal changes the sliding structure of the auxiliary sealing ring to a static sealing structure, which not only eliminates a dynamic sealing point, but also eliminates the hysteresis effect caused by the movable ring auxiliary sealing ring. The bellows has better followability.</p>\r\n
      <p>Metal welded bellows mechanical seals are widely used in high-temperature water conditions, high-temperature heavy oil conditions, and low-temperature liquefied gas conditions.</p>
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      <p>Metal welded bellows mechanical seal (hereinafter referred to as bellows seal) is a branch of mechanical seal.</p>\r\n
      <p>Its appearance is several decades later than the push-type spring mechanical seal (hereinafter referred to as the spring seal). The auxiliary sealing ring of the spring seal under high temperature is mostly made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). The maximum operating temperature is around 200°C, which cannot meet the requirements of high-temperature pump sealing. Although flexible graphite is resistant to high temperatures, it has low strength, is easily damaged, and cannot be adapted to The working condition of spring seal and moving ring seal ring sliding along the axial direction. The bellows seal changes the sliding structure of the auxiliary sealing ring to a static sealing structure, which not only eliminates a dynamic sealing point, but also eliminates the hysteresis effect caused by the movable ring auxiliary sealing ring. The bellows has better followability.</p>\r\n
      <p>Metal welded bellows mechanical seals are widely used in high-temperature water conditions, high-temperature heavy oil conditions, and low-temperature liquefied gas conditions.</p>
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